PwC Pension Fund

Regulatory Disclosures and Useful Information

The Trustee of the PwC Pension Fund (the 'Fund') is pleased to present the following regulatory disclosures:

Statement of Investment Principles (SIP)

The SIP sets out the principles governing the Trustee’s investment decisions. In accordance with legislative requirements, the SIP is reviewed at least every three years and without delay after any significant change to the investment strategy. This site will be updated from time to time as new information and documents become available. If you have any questions concerning the information on this site or have other questions about the Plan or your membership, please see the contact details below.

2023 Implementation Statement

The Plan's Implementation Statement is an annual requirement to explain how the Trustee invests the Plan’s assets in line with its SIP. It provides evidence that the Plan continues to follow and act on the principles outlined in the SIP with a focus on stewardship activities, implementation of main investment principles and environment, social and governance (ESG) factors.

2023 TCFD Report

This report discloses the actions taken by the Trustee of the Plan to understand and address the Plan’s climate-related risks and opportunities within the investments the Trustee manages for its members. It includes the metrics, scenarios and targets that have been set and the investment decisions made to address climate change.
